Friday, March 26, 2010

Questions about me.

Okay, so I've been looking at other blogs, and I found these questioneer things on a ton of them; so I decided I'd do one and post it too, since i can.  I found this one on mirror boys blog, So I just tweaked it a little bit so the questions fit me, and  so my answers would make more sense

Height -  5'11"Weight - Honestly, I have no idea, haha, I think I'm between 140lbs and 160lbs I don't have a scale in my home.

2 qualities I like most in others -  I really love it when people are honest, I think honesty is important. And the second thing, I'd have to say is when people are funny that's also important, to have a good sense of humor.
Who/Whom do you have a crush on currently?
Paul, and I actually have a cyber crush on Ty :p

What job do you want?
I don't know; I'm going into the military, but I don't think I want htat as a career, I think I want to go into the medical field or something, or even journalism I've considered. .
Are you considering going to college/university after high school or the military?
Yes, I am, the military is really why I will be able to go to college. Hopefully by then I know what i want to study,

Favourite school class?

Least favourite?

Why don't you post pics of yourself?
Because, like many; I want to keep my self anonymous, and i'd like to out myself, not be outed by someone else.

When you connect with people on a personal level (either online or in real life) what is the most important thing you want in that relationship and why?
If I were to get into a serious relationship right now, I think the most important thing would be honesty and common sense, it seems these two things are what lack most in society today.

The most important person in your life?
Right now, I would say my friend Paul, he has helped me through a ton in the past, and I'm sure he will in the future when I come out, whether or not he is gay .
What do you Enjoy doing?
I love hanging out with my friends, we always have fun, and it's a good time

Favourite home cooked meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Breakfast- Pancakes
Lunch- Hamburger, yumm
Dinner- Spaghetti
Favorite ice-cream.
Rocky Road.
Your favorite type of clothing to wear is?
I love shirts.

What clothing do you sleep in?
Boxers usually, and a t-shirt if it's cold

Favorite video game you have played?
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Video game you want to play that you haven’t yet?
Operation Flash point.
Explain to me what is it about these video games that makes you want to play them.
They're entertaining and fun.

What's your favourite childhood book?
Where the Wild things are..

If your house was on fire what five possessions of yours would you grab before running out?
I have no idea, really I don't own anything of that major importance or like sentimental value to be honest.

The first blogger you emailed?
TylerTGBH I have to thank him for introducing me to the blogging and twitter world
What has been the best thing about blogging for you?
Being able to express myself without worrying about it impacting me directly. Speaking my mind, and not worrying about this person of that person. The internet is liberating.

Do you like sunsets or sunrises better and why?
I've only seen the sunrise once, since I live on the west coast, I see the sun set into the ocean which always looks awesome, so I like that. .

What do you like about cats?
I love cats, their so cute and they purr and stuff,

What clothes do you wear for school?
I wear Jeans, a t-shirt and usually a coat

First crush?
My first boy crush was on a boy named Nathan middle school; first girl crush, was a friend named Summer

When you are looking at a guy what do you check out first?
Kinda odd, but I love calves and thighs

What turns you off?

What is an immediate visual turn-on to you in someone?
I don't really know, haha, hearing a hott boy describe a sexual experience

Top or bottom.

Do you have a fetish?
Not that i'm currently aware of

Do you squirt or shoot? Your shots thick, ropey, watery?
I shoot, i'm not really sure about the second question though.

Are you trimmed, shaved or au naturale? Cut or u/c? 
Depends, sometimes it's trimmed, other times it's natural; I'm Cut

If anyone wants to ask me any other questions, comment this blog, or

I hope to post again today, since i have time. Thanks guys


  1. sexual experience with a girl?

  2. I can't say that I like any of these posts that post such personal information... There are lines, I guess, that I think a young guy should be careful about crossing. The mere fact that it titillates some people, and might temporarily increase readership, is hardly a good reason to allow others to invade your privacy... Part of becoming a man is to understand how you walk through this world, and what your legacy will be when you finally leave this world... Lowering yourself to the level of the lowest, common denominator is never a good idea... By the way, open that can of worms, and I guarantee that the questions will pour in, and there are those that will feel emboldened to ask WHATEVER they want... I just think that's wrong. Simple as that!

    On another topic... The military route... I think you should be VERY careful about deciding to join for purely financial reasons... BAD idea!! You will potentially expose yourself to death for monetary reasons... You may think that you will find something akin to a video game, and you won't... Exposure to, and involvement in, the violence that you may be exposed to, will dramatically change who you are, and the changes may create a lifelong struggle with the demons that can become part of your life, especially if you've joined for the wrong reasons... Joining, is not some kind of game, even tho some young guys think it is... Also, stop drinking AND smoking, like, right now, if you think you're going in- you won't survive boot camp, if you have poor lung capacity, and iof you have a drinking or drug habit, you won't pass muster and be admitted, unless we need lots of bodies, quickly, when you try to enlist... And, that then goes back to my first point!! You'd better have the right motivation, when and if you join, or you will not come home the same. In fact, you might not come back alive... This might seem harsh, but I'm trying to wake you up to reality, kid!! Life, especially in the military, is not just a big game... luv, tman<3
